So I tried something new!
I planned a lesson in S.S. using historical texts, like my Methods class articles suggest!
It went horribly!
But that is okay!
I learned that students need to be taught how to use EVERY type of text. They also needed to be taught how to use to gain knowledge but like a historian or explorer would use it.
They (and most young students) are used to having their hand held and this was a case of that. They just wanted me to tell them, they write it, and that would be the end of it.
I did not want to do that! I did not want to give in!
The next day though, I did a little... I gave them a chart that they would have to regurgitate onto their unit test later in the year.
Some aspects went well but still sucked at the same time. Some students were really curious and wanted to know more and more! Of course I could not answer! I know quite a bit about the branches of government but they were asking "Would the Supreme Court judge Osama?" How do I answer that!? So the reason this sucked for me was that I was not in charge of this unit, or really another, being an intern. If I got to teach and plan on my own I would love to show my students the curriculum and tell them that this is all that we have to learn this year, how do you want to learn it? This way they could tell me if they just want me to say facts at them and they just memorize them for a test? Or if they want to do their own research, or use videos, or re-enact things. However they want to learn because some of them are curious and there was just not a darn thing I could do about it.